Monday 18 May 2015

Killer Coke

I have used Adobe Illustrator make this artwork about Coca Cola. This poster gives off the effect that, the way coca cola are running their business in the 3rd world countries is disgusting. So in order to get this message across i have decided to design a poster that shows death. Using the grim reaper in the top right corner shows that what coke are doing is slaughtering innocent people by demanding such high quality. They use kids to farm their recourses even though it's agaisnt the law. I have also used, a quote to give the reading audience an understanding of what is actually going on. When i read the quote "The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living" in my eyes it shows you can hurt but never forget. No matter how many times you just kill people off, you will never ever forget what you have done.

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