Friday 15 May 2015

Graphic Narative- Evaluation

After a long period of working towards a deadline, it feels like a big i have achieved a massive goal in completing a decent collection of artwork. The overall narrative assignment was very enjoyable although at times became very stressful because of the attention to detail. If i could re do this task again I would because it made my illustration skills much better. The way i created my narrative was by hand drawing the pictures first then scanning them in to create a digital version. This became a really hard task because

After looking back at my work, I had wish i could had maybe altered the style in order to make my story more effective. Maybe trying to make my style as close to BMD DESIGN. Although I'm very satisfied of what i have achieved. My final outcome was designed in Adobe Illustrator, which is used in both professional and production industry. I used a variety of techniques in Illustrator like the pen tool, using live paints and many other techniques to make my final outcome.

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