Wednesday 27 November 2013

Logo Development

This is my development and initial ideas for my logo for my newspaper. As you can see i started of with simple colours to start creating my idea.            

 After this I decided on some stylish writing to give it a classy look.

Then I started to think what stealth actually meant , so changing the opacity of the text was able to give me a shady grey and black colour.

After this, I put to stealth's together one above and one underneath to try and develop the idea. Adding a triangle and stars to try and emphasis what stealth meant.

With this in mind, i took it a completely different way and changed the colours of the outline to red and add another triangle to gain a different perceptive.

After that , I thought it was missing something , so i added and created the arcs to give some inspiration for the readers of the newspaper.

 Then finally I added two different background colours to see what it would look like.

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