In all its work, BMD Design seeks to seduce and surprise, but also to demonstrate and convince.Located in Bordeaux, France, BMD specializes in typography, visual identity, signage, publishing, advertisements, and apparel design.Bordeaux based BMD have been designing and art-directing for over a decade.Being in business since 2001, BMD definitely understands quality and demonstrates value
From his training as a graphic designer in the early 1990s in high school, agency founder Jolimont Toulouse Bruno kept a love for craftsmanship, the one before the computer. He keeps craftmanship at the forefront of his designs, with a strong influence of hand-made inspirations.
Using a wide range of colours, styles, fonts and illustrations, each helmet is as creative as they come. Each design makes the most of the helmet's shape, with letters perfectly placed around the entire product. The colour palette chosen for each design seamlessly ties in with the colour of the helmet itself.

BMD Design have created a piece of artwork for Lucky Brand (Clothing Outline), in order to for it to be printed onto teeshirts. The use of colour is simple, but bold in order for it to be effective. The limited colour palette suggests that BMD wanted to be creative using the text to its full potential. The chosen wood background, i believe enhances the picture but also suits the bear it self. The text is a mixture of both big and small, with the bigger text having more of a place, which gets the main message across. Reflecting the theme of it being printed on a clothing line , it does its job effectively and will be great to see. The fonts, work really well , and i lil the the curliness of the font giving it that little bit extra. I think the artwork would have been art drawn first then scanned into the computer to make the finishing touches. This is a great way of knowing exactly what you want and where you want it. It has used pastel colours in order for it to get different tones. The first this i read when i looked at this picture was the California. I believe this was because it was at the top and had a cool swerve to it. Then you begin to look at the bears head and start looking across. You eventually understand what Lucky Brand is and when they were Established. BMD created this by hand with pens and pencils, which then was developed in illustrator into vectors to change the opacity and things like that.